
    Heaviness and Hope

    Heaviness and Hope

    Hope feels like such a small and insignificant thing when the world feels so bleak, but it’s still there, flickering in the gloom. Our EC3PA students are harbingers of what our world could become, and I vest my hope in them — that they will wrestle that better world into existence.

    Coming Soon: New Programs

    Coming Soon: New Programs

    Our first year together has seen EC3PA finding its rhythm and forming a solid foundation on which to build and grow.  Our next steps involve expanding to provide more of the kinds of programs that our students and our community need as we keep our eyes on the future. 

    Up Next and Looking Forward

    Up Next and Looking Forward

    It’s no surprise that, as we close the door on EC3PA’s first academic year, we once again shift our focus forward to what comes next. With the spring semester finished, next up on our immediate radar is the process of launching our first summer session. We’ve timed this session to begin immediately following Memorial Day and to end before August, thereby giving students some downtime both before and after this abbreviated semester.