Erie County Community College Instructor Jacob Korte was recently invited by Mercyhurst University's DiFonzo Seminar Series in Biology to do a talk on his research.
The DiFonzio Seminar was established to provide a series of talks for students majoring in Biology and Environmental Science. "It important for our students to hear things outside of the classroom, too," said Chris Delano, Associate Professor of Biology at Mercyhurst University. "It's a great way to keep us connected, hear the research being done and make those connections." Students are provided with the opportunity to network and light refreshments are provided at the seminar.
"It's an honor to have the opportunity to speak and share what I'm so passionate about," says Korte. His talk was on the upland sandpiper habitat in Michigan and the implication that it has for land management. "It's always great to talk about your research and make what is sometimes abstract, tangible."
Korte joined EC3 as a full-time biology instructor last fall. His work includes ecology, biology and environmental science.
March 20th, 2023