February 24th, 2023
Getting in the Groove: EC3's Welding Program Receives High Honor
EC3's Welding program was recently awarded an Educational Institution Membership by The American Welding Society. This award was accepted by the program instructor, Luke Hummer.

According to The American Welding Society's (AWS) website, the Educational Institution Membership is designed to empower and reward organizations and staff tasked with training the next generation of welding professionals. AWS strives to help maintain the highest educational standards by offering informational resources, continuing education opportunities and marketing tactics to nearly 800 Educational Institution members. 

This recognition by AWS allows the college's welding program to be noticed by both prospective students and manufacturers around the country. 

"This is quite the achievement for the college, "says Luke. "It is another item that showcases to students looking for a welding program, that EC3's program is one of quality instruction and we're very proud of that."

EC3's program opened last fall and will graduate its first students this spring. For more information about the program, visit our website here. Those interested in participating in this next cohort of students should email admissions@. 

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